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News from Day 19/20

During Day 19 and Day 20 1,013 new objects were placed in the world. Growth is continuing at a steady rate of, on average, 500 objects a day.

DAY20MAP.jpg (33665 bytes)

Jimbo, a citizen of ActiveWorlds, has built a Nascar Bar and Pool at 56N, 33W. The construction comprises of an indoor pool and bar featuring a range of beverages and even a popcorn machine! NEW20ONE.jpg (11700 bytes)
CyberHar, a tourist builder, has constructed many buildings and features around the world. His latest can be found at 45N, 42W, a 'Space Monster' with rolling eyes.

Building continues into Day 21, with a number of new users claiming plots......

NEW20TWO.jpg (14191 bytes)

News Archive

Animation 1 Growth During Week 1 (69k)
Animation 2 Growth During Week 2 (98k )
Animation 3 Week 1 and Week 2 Combined Growth (166k)

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