New Computer Applications for Social Scientists
Peter Halfpenny
NCeSS, University of Manchester


The research that lies behind the talks and demonstrations in the programme that follows has been undertaken at CASA under the aegis of the ESRC National Centre for e-Social Science (NCeSS) and HEFCE-funded SPatial Literacy in Teaching (SpLinT) Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning. This short introductory session provides an overview of NCeSS by outlining its mission and describing the range of activities that it encompasses.

NCeSS forms a key part of the ESRC’s strategy to develop leading-edge computer applications within the social sciences to enhance the research community’s capacity to collect, discover, access, manipulate, link, share, analyse and visualise quantitative and qualitative data resources. It aims to stimulate the uptake and use across the UK social science research community of distributed computational resources, data infrastructures and collaboration mechanisms. It pursues this aim by coordinating a program of research into new computer applications, making available information, training, advice and support to the social research community, and leading the development of a digital infrastructure for the social sciences that will provide new resources and tools for social research. The Centre is also responsible for providing advice to the ESRC on the future strategic direction of e-Social Science.

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