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Results & Analysis
2D KX Redvelopment Locations Maps
2D Geodemographic Maps & Data Tables of Camden & Islington
3D Geodemographic Maps & Data Tables of Camden & Islington

Results and Analysis

'Click' on the links below to view geodemographic profiles of Camden & Islington, and the Kings Cross Redevelopment through interactive 2D maps, 3D movie fly-through, graphs, & data tables.

Instructions & Comments:

The 2D maps below will appear in separate browsers that may require you to install Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE™). If this is the case, users can automatically download this at the link below. These maps are produced by Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), thus you can instantaneously zoom in, zoom out, pan, etc, as soon as you have downloaded them*, without out the need to reload the data. Instructions to help users who are not familiar with the 'JShape' GIS user interfaces (although it is very straight forward ), can be found at the following link.

Download Java™ Runtime Environment here: Java Runtime Environment Download

The graphs and data tables will also open in a separate pop-up browser (which may require the user to disable any software that blocks pop-ups) for you to view in conjunction with the 2D maps.

For the best possible viewing experience your screen resolution should be set to a minimum of 1024 x 768, and you should close any 'favourites' or 'history' toolbars you have open in the browsers.

2-Dimensional King's Cross Redevelopment Location Map

* Download Time Key (for the maps only): Fast <15 Seconds, Med < 45 Seconds, Slow <90 Seconds, V.Slow >90 Seconds.

Download Time*
56 Kb
500 Kb

Location map (inc. Islington and Camden borough and ward boundaries, major & minor roads, topographical features, and landmarks): Map

V. Slow

2-Dimensional Geodemographic Maps, Graphs & Data Tables of Camden & Islington

* Download Time Key (for the maps only): Fast <15 Seconds, Med < 45 Seconds, Slow <90 Seconds, V.Slow >90 Seconds.

Download Time*
56 Kb
500 Kb

Usual Resident Population: Ward_Map, OA_Map.


Age Structure:
- UK Age Distribution Table;
- London Age Distribution Table;
- Camden Age Distribution Table;
- Camden vs UK Population Pyramid;
- Camden vs London Population Pyramid;
- Islington Age Distribution Table;
- Islington vs UK Population Pyramid;
- Islington vs London Population Pyramid.

Fast Fast

Super Output Area (SOA) level Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2004, and the Domain Indices of Deprivation:
- Introduction & Explanatory Text;
- IMD 2004 Map;
- Income Map;
- Employment Map;
- Health Deprivation and Disability Map;
- Education, Skills and Training Map;
- Barriers to Housing and Services Map;
- Crime Map; &
- Living Environment Map.


Tenure (e.g. Owned, Social Rented, Private Rented / Rent Free):Ward Map, OA Map.

Fast Fast

Male & Female Standard Mortality Ratios for All Causes of Death Under 75 Years of Age, between 00 & 02: Ward Map, Graph, Table.


Male & Female Standard Mortality Ratios for All Cancer's under 75 Years of Age, between 00 & 02: Ward Map, Graph and Table.


Male & Female Standard Mortality Ratios for All Circulatory Disease's under 75 Years of Age, between 00 & 02: Ward_Map, Graph and Table.


Male & Female Standard Mortality Ratios for All Coronary Heart Disease's under 75 Years of Age, between 00 & 02: Ward_Map, Graph and Table.


Life Expectancy with 95% Confidence Limits, between 98 and 00: Ward_Map, Graph and Table.


Land Use (e.g. Residential, Vacant / Derelict, Bar / Restaurant / Cafe, etc: Study_Area_Map.


General Health Defined as 'Not Good': Ward_Map, OA_Map.


General Health Defined as 'Good or Fairly Good': Ward_Map, OA_Map.


Working Population with a Limiting Long Term Illness: Ward_Map, OA_Map.


MOSAIC Group & Type Classifications (Experian):
- Postcode_Code-Point_Map_(Group*),&;
- Postcode_Code-Point_Map_(Type*).

*Apply "Cammand|Label On" to identify type classifications when zoomed in at ward level only!


General Practitioners (e.g. Practice Locations, Catchment Boundaries, etc): Map*.

*Apply "Cammand|Label On" to identify GP Surgery Names, GP Numbers, & Patient Numbers per catchment when zoomed in at ward level only!


Town Centreness: Map.


Instructions & Comments:

Users can download the 3D movie fly-throughs in .mov format, which may require you to install a media player before you can view them. If this is the case, users can download the necessary software at the links below.

Apple Quicktime Player Download
Windows Media Player
Real Player

In addition, users may need to install the TechSmith Screen Capture Codec (TSCC) before being able to view the movie's.

Installation notes

Accompanying notes for review in conjunction with the movie are also available.

3-Dimensional (Fly-Through) Map of London


Download Size*

The use of 3D symbols and geoprocessing within a 3D virtual city using ESRI's ® ArcGlobe (inc. fear of burglary surface, street light illumination surface, viewsheds from CCTV, photographic panoramic views, and more): .mov_movie, accompany notes.


© 2005 Christian Castle. All Rights Reserved. Last updated May 25th 2005